Dennis Muturia

Software Engineer

" I saw a growth opportunity and I took it."

Hej Dennis, berätta vad du gör på ditt nuvarande uppdrag?

I am a Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience working an assignment in Tetra pak for Skymill. I will be joining Solidx and start an assignment in MAPSIOT AB working as an engineer as well as an architect. I will be responsible for scaling the TrueMPS product as well as propose and develop new products when necessary. I will also manage a few engineers as well.

Vad var det som gjorde att du bytte konsultföretag till SolidX?

I made the switch because I saw a growth opportunity as a Software Architect and I took it.

Vad inspirerar dig?

I am inspired by working with more intellectual people because I feel like I will learn more with them.

Vill du dela med dig av något annat kul?

I love video games.